If you are unable to or choose not to breastfeed please initially speak to a healthcare professional such as your GP or contact Plunket or Health Line for free advice. Our Haven Care Line team are also here to help and can provide support and information to help you with your journey.
In instances where women cannot or choose not to breastfeed, what is your recommendation?
Haven Nutrition Limited aims to give accurate, useful, reliable and up-to-date information on baby nutrition of the general nature and may amend the content on this site as required. To the extent permitted by law, Haven Nutrition Limited does not accept any liability or responsibility for claims, resulting from the misinterpretation of the content of this website, which is never intended to disregard, alter or discontinue professional medical advice and/or treatment. If you are ever unsure about your baby's development, concerned about the well-being of your little one or your own health, seek medical advice immediately without delay.